A Few Musings
So folks, just a few thoughts for your day:
On the Video Game front: I am currently playing through Okami HD, on the PS3. It is a very impressive game, visually and thematically. It is, essentially, a Zelda-esque dungeon crawl but has a nice watercolor art style and Japanese lore.
I settled on this after making my most of my way through Far Cry 3 and deciding not to bother finishing it. Which turned out to be a little disappointing: gameplay-wise it is great, but the story stops being interesting after the death of one of the most interesting villains in a while. Killing Vaas was as if the Joker had been killed halfway through The Dark Knight, ending the reason you were watching.
On the Book front: Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond, is quite interesting if very thorough. It's a long read, but worth it if you like understanding why things are the way they are. Which you should.
Just read through Captain America: Winter Soldier. It's a great read, only took a couple hours. Really does a great job of explaining and elaborating on Captain America's history. Also, the movie it inspired is quite good as well.
On the theology/philosophy front: have you ever just taken some time to think about how small you are? Like, really think about it? I mean, we are merely a collections of cells, which are merely collections of proteins, which are merely collections of chemicals, which are merely collections of elements, which are merely collections of atoms. We're frail, complex things.
And yet we we're handcrafted by God in His image. He breathed inside of us and made us living souls. We will die, and our bodies will be sown in death, and reborn in glory. He loved this collection of elements enough to become one (!) and then die for it. Wow.
Praise God for His gifts and love!
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