Why Jesus?
This past week I saw the question posed on an Internet forum: why choose Jesus? The OP asked individuals why they chose to align themselves with Jesus Christ. Being a fairly liberal forum, the responses ranged from "great moral teacher" or "good example" to the more conservative responses involving the supernatural and/or salvation from death. I responded to the post in my own way, and thought I would share an modified form of this part of my personal philosophy with you all.
Why choose Jesus? Why choose Christianity as opposed to any other religion, philosophy, or worldview? The simple answer is simply that I don't want to die. And at the heart of Christianity is the simple truth that God does not want me to die either. But because God made me, and I spurned him, He cannot have me in His eternal presence so He sacrificed Himself to His own justice. And this sacrifice covers my sin and lets me live eternally with Him.
And this atonement is completely free to me. It requires no actions on my part. No daily sacrifices, no prayers, no pilgrimages, no sacraments. The only thing He asks is belief, acceptance of the truth that He proposes to me.
That is why I choose Christ. Because His salvation is offered freely to all.
Now, as I've written this, I've been throwing around alot of terms that we hear and don't always think about the meaning of. Terms like salvation, atonement, worldview, etc. I hope to further discuss these ideas in later posts.
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