Some Quotes for Today

I've been recently reading The Finished Work of Christ by Francis Schaeffer. I find most of his work to be excellent, and spot-on theologically. His book True Spirituality is one that I try to read once a year. 

I just wanted to draw your attention to a couple of choice quotes within The Finished Work...


The peace of God is not a mystical thing on top of a pillar or at a Bible conference, but the reality of the finished work of Jesus in the midst of history.


Whenever I sin, whenever I lose my sense of peace with God, what is the one thing that can comfort me? The one comforting and overwhelming fact is that, when I was totally a sinner, without strength and without one good thing to commend me to God, it was then that Jesus died for me.

I find these significant, as I often feel like I have to perform up to a certain standard to make God happy. But the fact is that God looks at us through the sacrifice He made for us. And that is what can make me have peace, when I don't feel like I'm achieving all I should be.


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