Crumbling Worlds

  As I am writing this, the United States of America has just concluded the most controversial election of my lifetime, and possibly the most so in recent history. Social media would have you to believe that slavery is about to be reinstated and that anyone not a WASP, or their slave, will be euthanized or deported with their goods being distributed by lot to their white masters. Mind you, if the other option had won, social media would have you believe that all guns would be confiscated immediately, Sharia Law would be established in every State, and the wealth of every non-minority citizen would be redistributed to the poor. 
     Simply, people are reacting to the belief that their way of life is ending. And their response, logically, is to rage against the dying of the night. Their hope, in turn, is to hold on to life as they know it. But this is foolishness.

*Spoiler: Every "way of life" ends, because all life ends. All life ends because everything ends. We live in a finite universe in which all things have an ending.
     It is little more than sheer stupidity to hold on to hope that nothing will ever change. Nothing within this time-space reality remains forever. The largest rocks erode, seas melt coastlines, tectonic plates shift whole continents, stars explode and consume the spheres of mixed matter that had surrounded them like children.
     And most importantly, by our subjection, your life will end. Your hands will wither, your joints will ache and stiffen, your organs will cease their varied functions, your mind will decay until you can't remember the things and people who you loved most.
     I, given enough time, will not know my lovely wife.
     Go ahead and protest, because your way of life may end. We'll see how much that means when your short life does end.
     Enter stage left, Depression accompanied by his companion the impassioned Search for Meaning. A search for a way to make the time that we've spent consuming resources matter, when we could have lain down and died, like our cold logic tells us we should have. We tell ourselves that meaning is in "furthering humanity," in "building the next generation."
     Fools! Do you somehow believe that by education and training you have stayed the Freight Train of Inevitability? The next generation will die, and the next, and the next, and the next, ad infinitum.
     Given time, Everything Dies.
     But yeah, obsess over your superfluous "rights," protest over your hurt feelings. I'm sure it will make the coffin roomier.
     Oh, did you want something hopeful?
     Well, I can't give you anything from the cosmos. As we've seen, everything dies. I can give you something from outside the cosmos, but then you'll just say there's not enough evidence, and keep looking at only the things in this world.
     Or maybe you'll accept it. I shouldn't be so cynical. 
     What then, Bobbitt, gives you hope so that you continue to get up in the morning, rather than opting out of the raw deal of existence that you just described?
     My hope is in Jesus of Nazareth, declared to be the Messiah of YHWH. I read of him in the Bible, where I learn that He was born, He ministered, He was murdered, and He was raised from the dead to fulfill the Law of YHWH. He did all of this to remake the world, and us with it, into what it and we should be. Into what it was meant to be.
     God stepping into time to make Man what we should be gives me hope.
     Now, you can choose not to believe that. It is your choice. But please don't pretend that you have something from the world around you, or from your own self, to give you meaning, purpose, and hope. You need a cause from outside yourself and the cosmos. 

     The glory of God is my cause. But God will be glorified even if my small world is crumbling, because He will heal all of the wounds and wipe away all the tears. The glory that is to come will overshadow this world.


  1. Though not one myself, I can imagine an individual holding the point of view that through technology and medical advancement, humanity will one day advance itself to an undying race. That our ingenuity will allow us to escape even the most cataclysmic of cosmological circumstances. What would you say to such a person?

    1. My response would be that we could never survive everything, unless we somehow were able to make "ourselves." non-organic. But then, if humanity were to become a digitized record on some cybernetic form, haven't we lost what makes us human. And then, humanity dies.


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