What Does Christmas Mean to You?

Full Disclosure: I actually don't care what Christmas means to you. 

You were probably going to say something about family, or gifts, or something non-specific like that. Hopefully it involved something about Jesus coming to Earth, which you meant literally rather than figuratively (also hopefully). 

Because, ultimately, that's the objective point of Christmas. Despite all of the layers of imagery that has been heaped upon the day by organized religion, cultural traditions, and retail marketing the point is that God sent His son as a normal human being to Earth to dwell with mankind.  

That's why we give gifts, because God sent us the gift of salvation from our sins; it's why we emphasize family, because God has included us in His family by purifying us from sin.

We should celebrate the incarnation of Jesus not simply because He was laid in a manger and it makes a pretty picture; we should celebrate because  it is one of the most obvious actions by God in the redemption of man. From our standpoint in the 21st century, we can read the Bible front to back and see how it has all played out; but for mankind during the reign of Tiberius Caesar, the birth of Jesus into the world of man was the beginning of the climax of history. 

It is most important, during the Christmas season, to bear in mind the reality of Christ's purposeful incarnation. He came to live a sinless life, to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. It is He who ultimately gives us hope and meaning, so that we can enjoy and have meaning in the rest of our lives. 


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